Undecided on a Major?

Finding Your Fit: Choosing a Major
Exploring and finding your fit in a major is a process. Did you know that 25-30% of incoming students are unsure of their major and two-thirds change their mind at least once?
Our online resources below can offer a starting point to help you build a foundation and uncover ideas that can guide you in exploring majors and career paths further.
Know yourself (Self-Assessment Tools) Heading link

The first step in the exploration process is knowing yourself through individual reflection. These assessments will help you identify your interests, skills and values and learn about career options that may be a good match.
Major Exploration Heading link

Do you know that your major can lead you to a variety of career paths? These tools can help you learn more about different majors and discover a range of career possibilities.
Career Exploration Heading link

These online tools offer you an opportunity to research career profiles, training, jobs, and video clusters. This is a great starting point to explore occupations, career trends, job outlook, working conditions, salary and education requirements.
Exposure: Get Involved! Heading link

A great way to discover your interests and strengths is through experience. There are many ways to gain experience such as involvement in student organizations, internships, leadership roles, student advisory boards, volunteering, studying abroad, research and much more!
Take our Major Exploration Course! Heading link

This course is open to first-year, second semester, undeclared College of Liberal Arts and Sciences students.
This is an 8-week (1 credit) major exploration course tailored for liberal arts and sciences students to gain a deep understanding of how their values, skills, strengths, and motivations align with potential career paths and majors. Using a strengths-based approach, life design principles, and appreciative inquiry, students will engage in self-discovery and career exploration through tools such as “What Can I Do with My Major,” Roadtrip Nation, TruMotivate, and ONET Online. Questions about the course: Contact Liz Herrera, Director, LAS Career Development eherre3@uic.edu