Aug 22 2023

Instagram Live Kick-Off

August 22, 2023

2:00 PM - 2:30 PM

Team image


Instagram @uiclascareer


Chicago, IL 60612

Tune in as LAS Career Development and Internships goes LIVE every Tuesday @ 2 on Instagram (@uiclascareer) with staff, students, alumni, and employers to talk about hot topics related to career exploration, identity development, advice for students, and upcoming opportunities.

This Tuesday, hear from the LAS Career Development and Internships staff, Brian Dohse, Sha'Bree Drink, Lauren Gallagher and Liz Herrera to learn about our fall semester events, resources available to you as an LAS student and how we can support your career journey!


Lauren Gallagher

Date posted

Aug 7, 2023

Date updated

Aug 16, 2023