Ja’Qwan Hoskins
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My primary roles were to serve as the media marketer to help grow the company’s audience.
My most significant accomplishments were learning how to use the tools given, such as Asana, to manage multiple tasks at once and learning how a marketing plan is constructed along with how to implement each step of the plan. The skills that were strengthened during my internship were my communication skills, ability to multitask, and comprehension skills.
Benefits of taking an academic internship course during my internship experience were gaining experiences in a field I am interested in while receiving credit towards my transcript and gaining a mentor in the end that I can come to for advice on any subject. I was also given a position in the company as Director of Youth Development.
An internship is a very valuable experience! It allows you to gain experience in fields that you are interested in, and can help shape your career path! I found this experience to be valuable due to it allowing me to test out my interests in marketing.
PowerNetwork-Media Marketer
Major: Psychology